Coming Soon! Opening November 2020



Helping Your College Student Find a Counselor: A Guide for Parents

For many students, heading to college is an exciting time. But with increased demands, navigating new independence, as well as pressures to perform academically and socially, it is not uncommon for students to experience some anxiety and depression at one point or another during their college career.  In fact, a recent study found that 1 in 3 college students experience...[ read more ]

Take Yourself on an Artist Date

Good news, dates are not just for couples! This Valentines Day, take your inner artist on a date. Artist and author Julia Cameron introduced this idea in 1992 in her book The Artists Way. She has long been encouraging us to reconnect with our often starved creative soul. In this fast-paced world where we place value on output and production,...[ read more ]

4 Tips for Using Art to Manage Holiday Stress

  The holiday season can add an extra layer of stress to our already full and busy lives. We can all use a little extra help this time of year! Here are a few effective and creative ways to bring some peace of mind and ease your holiday anxieties through art.   Change your phone home screen to something green...[ read more ]

Journaling for a New Year and a New You

As the year draws to a close you may find yourself beginning to think about goals for the New Year. According to James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, you are 2-3 times more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Research shows that people who journal are far less stressed, have more self-awareness, greater life satisfaction, meaningful relationships, and...[ read more ]

Art Therapy & Autism

When we hear the words Autism Spectrum Disorder, we may call to mind a family member, friend or acquaintance we have met that has this lifelong condition. As the word spectrum implies a range, each person with Autism has different abilities and challenges than the next. You will meet no two people with Autism who are alike. The beauty of...[ read more ]

What is Art Therapy?

You may have seen therapeutic coloring books and thought, that sounds like fun, Art Therapy at home! Sure, coloring can be relaxing, but the field of Art Therapy is far more vast and dynamic than simply coloring in the lines. Art Therapy is a mental health profession that uses the art media, images, and the creative process of art-making to...[ read more ]

955 South Main St Unit B201
Middletown, CT 06457

(203) 533-2351
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